Monday, 20 August 2018

# Directly from Germany #

Yesterday , I spoke with Mr. Vikash Singh sir , who is Postdoctoral Researcher in #Germany ...We discussed about my School and my Students...We spoke about many Plans regarding developement of School, Childrens...
#ThinkSharp foundation and Mr #Santosh Phad Sir has decided to establish A study Mall Mr.Vikas sir & me have decided to rennovate ClassRoom and make it interactive..For, this Vikas Sir donated the Fund from Germany...Today, I have started the work in Our ClassRoom...Thank you so much Sir..our collective efforts will definietly improve the education system in Rural Area...

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  Project- कणाद :  Science Exibition Platform कणाद हा तुरिय लॅबचा प्रमुख प्रकल्प आहे, जो मुलांमध्ये सर्जनशीलता, तर्कशक्ती आणि समस्या सोडवण्य...