Wednesday, 25 April 2018

          I Don't know 'Destiny' exist or not ....But, If it Exist , then,Surely  I can say that whatever happening in my Life  it's all according to Destiny.

It has been Eight years Since I am Working here in Chandar Village as a Primary Teacher...It has been hard time for me since that.Everyday I face the new challenge here..Reaching here is the big Problem ...
         No Proper Roads,Jungle all around,Snakes meets you every hour..Village has no Electricity,no Basic needs therefore it's hard to live there for person like me.

       Even that, working there was my Passion & still it is going on. Initially It was fun in School with Students...more than Ten Students..all were energetic with full of activeness... Therefore many of  years went in fun Working on them. But, this picture not remained same. This Village has 15-20 huts having near about 50-60 peoples living there.Most of the Famillies migrated in Surat & Mumbai for Labour Jobs.Therefor ,this influenced on School Strength also.Starting from 12 students ;Now I have just single students.And ,if this condition remained same ,undoubtly, one day School has to be Closed.

         But,always there is a hope....this sentence proved true it'self.
   I don't know how Times Of India Reporter got the idea about my School & they reached there..& after all Drama Start..When they Published the News abouy My School & Village ,it Viraled.Then all the peoples like Jayshri Bokil Mam(Divya Marathi NewsPaper), Supriya Nair Mam & Team (MidDay),Vinayak Pawar Sir(Samna),& many Others gave the light to this news.
          I received  So many calls for appriciation about my work.. & in that one Call I received from Mr.Jagdale Sir ,a great person..who is Director General /C.E.O. Of Science & Techno. Park Pune University... He arranged the meeting & discussed how we can make changes in Chandar Village so that villagers live easy life.... And Plan Finilized..
       In15 days...all the team of STP worked very hard & it's Proofs are the Pictures  you can see here .
                 I always feel thankfull about Suhas Latkar Sir, Vaibhav Nimgire Sir,Rahul Jagtap Sir, Ajay Bule Sir & team,Kamat Sir,Girish Mahajan Sir,Vikram Sir,Nadeem Sir,Puja Ma'm ,Krishna Ji....And Speciallly The Boss- Mr.Jagdale Sir who was guiding them..It could not be happend without you Sir....

 & If you want see ,what differnce made by this...Please see the Video given bellow-:

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